Currently, southern pine plantations are among the most intensively managed forests in the world. At Hemingway Wood Forest Products, Inc. We provide many services so that you can properly maintain and manage your land and timber. Please contact one of our experienced timber buying professionals to discuss your interest in any of the services listed below.

Fuel Chipping

Fuel Chipping is a great way to promote forest management. We provide fuel chipping on each one of our logging jobs when needed. Fuel chipping can help promote growth when used in conjunction with thinning. On final harvests (clear-cut’s), fuel chipping can significantly reduce the cost of replanting by removing up to 70% of what is left behind with a conventional logging operation.

Fuel Chipping


Thinning is a forest management practice that can be defined as the calculated removal of trees from an existing stand with a specific objective in mind. This objective for many landowners is usually to promote growth by removing suppressed or damaged trees that are competing for water, soil nutrients, and sunlight. Thinning can be done several times in the life of a timber stand until it has reached maturity.


Final Harvest

Final Harvest Before

Final harvests are commonly called clear-cuts. This service is typically performed once a stand has reached its level of maturity or it becomes financially practical for all of the trees to be harvested. The main objective of a final harvest is typically to remove mature timber and regenerate the forest with healthier trees.

Final Harvest After


After a final harvest has been executed, it is time to re-plant, and Hemingway Wood Forest Products, Inc. can help with that too. Planting after cutting your timber is highly recommended as it promotes the growth of new trees at a faster rate than allowing them to come back naturally. Trees are planted in rows at the proper spacing so that they grow quickly and your forest becomes as healthy and efficient as possible.